Eco-Therapeutic Garden Consulting

Tending to the green world can be a regulating and regenerative practice, both a meditation and a prayer that nourishes all beings with sanctuary and care.

If you are looking to set up a garden for the first time (container, raised bed or in-ground) or to develop a gardening and earth connection practice in ways that bridge your inner ecosystem with the outer ecosystem, I’m here to offer support.

Here’s what we can do together:

  • tune in, connect and create an intention for how you’d like to develop a relationship with the space and bring it to life

  • listen in, craft an intention and call in plant, elemental and ancestral resourcing

  • identify which medicinal and culinary herbs, veggies and flowers to grow by listening together

  • the collaborative hands-on work of developing garden beds and/or balcony gardens

  • demonstrate how and when to harvest

  • learn how to feed and nourish the soil

  • learn how to attract pollinators and maintain healthy, resilient plants

  • wisdom share on how to make flower essences, tinctures and herbal oils with the plants you’re growing in your garden


  1. A free 15-minute consultation to make sure we’re a good match with one another.

  2. A virtual heart to heart: $65/hr

  3. An in person bloom: $85/hr + travel time*

*3 session packages available (virtual or in-person) at a 15% discount

*Please note our in person time doesn't include the cost of materials.